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Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT7) Information

Test answer sheet with red pencil

Dear Highwood Hills’ Families,

Here is the information and timeline for the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT7). This test is one measure used to identify students as advanced learners/gifted and talented in Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS).

The CogAT7 will be administered to all SPPS kindergarten and second grade students sometime between October 9, 2023 and November 9, 2023. The test is only available to take during this time frame. If you do not want your child to participate, please contact your school’s principal.

Students in grades 1, 3, 4 and 5 may also take the CogAT7 test if requested by a staff member, parent or community member. Please contact your school principal by October 9, 2023 if you want to request that your student take the test.