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Four SPPS Board-Certified Music Therapists Complete Intensive Training in Neurologic Music Therapy

 From left to right, Callie Hensler (The Heights), Kaiti Shelton (Benjamin E. Mays), Stephanie Hubbard (Focus Beyond) and Mor

Four of SPPS's board-certified music therapists recently completed intensive training in neurologic music therapy from the Academy for Neurologic Music Therapy. Upon successful passage of a final exam, they will be able to add evidence-based techniques, based on the science of music as a stimulus for the brain, to their work with students across the district. From left to right, Callie Hensler (The Heights), Kaiti Shelton (Benjamin E. Mays), Stephanie Hubbard (Focus Beyond) and Morgan Welch (Highwood Hills) will join several other SPPS music therapists who have already completed this additional training to enhance student support.